Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday Night Rewind

- Our Pastor preached an incredible message out of John tonight.
- We had a lady share her testimony about how God delivered her from the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses and saved her. She now is coming to Immanuel and is interested in starting a ministry to bring people out of the cult religions and into a relationship with Christ.
- I am exhausted. Come Sunday night, I have very little left. Whew...long days.
- Praise Team auditions are next Sunday.
- I am leading worship at a funeral tomorrow. Old Rugged Cross - Amazing Grace. I've never heard those at a funeral before (just kidding).
- We're praying about a television ministry. Our own, that is. Pray that the Lord gives us direction. I met with the finance committee this afternoon concerning the possibilities. We don't want to go on tv just for the sake of being on tv. We want it to be a ministry that's worth the time and expense.
- Frank Salgado was back at church this morning. Frank had a major heart attack a couple of weeks ago. His comments to the choir this morning? - "Thank you for your prayers. All I have to say is....My God is a Mountain Mover!"


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was great to see Frank back!

God is GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Every day is a good day at Immanuel. God is indeed working on all of us and we should be grateful that he chose us to carry out the message. Every song, every prayer becomes part of this task. "Jusus Saves" was such a great message carrier for the morning crowd... we all need to be reminded that our chains have fallen and we have been set free to rest in his arms and trust in his will.

Cat said...

Praise God for Frank's health. I'm just sorry I wasn't there to see him. Thanks for the update Jeff.