As believers, we often get so caught up in our own issues that we forget about those around us. Our world becomes our focus, therefore, we have an inward focus and not an outward focus. When we place too high a value on our own problems or circumstances, it disables our ability to minister to others. In this struggle, our own problems or "giants" are bigger than everyone else's. When we are inward focused, how can we encourage or council others?
Last night's choir rehearsals was one of the sweetest times of worship that we have had since I've been here. I'm not making that analysis on my own. I refer to it as such because I've heard it from many of our people. We began the night asking for a show of hands for all of those who have had a terrible week. Several raised their hands, so I led in prayer for each of those. After we had finished rehearsing our music, I asked for praises and prayer requests. The requests were mind blowing. People mentioned spouses who were having surgery, children who were in prison, grandchildren who were healed, loved ones who were battling cancer, single moms who had lost a child and had 2 others in the hospital - one facing paralysis. In light of all of these, our mundane work issues, family arguments, and runny noses pale in comparison.
I don't mean to make light of everyday issues. All of us feel sorry for ourselves from time to time. But this cannot be what characterizes who we are. We must understand that we have a ministry to a world that is hurting. We are surrounded on a daily basis by droves of people who are facing life altering circumstances. Our ministry can't be inward focused. It must, instead, be focused on others. That was what Jesus was all about when He walked on this earth. Know that your ministry is valuable. Know that others need your encouragement. Give 100% to every opportunity you have to make a difference in some one's life. And finally, give God the glory for every bit of it.
Great site Jeff! I agree about Wednesday's rehearsal - I've never seen the choir open up and share like that. It was amazing to see how God is working and, I agree, it definitely put my day's problems into perspective!
Thanks, Amy. It's awesome when God shows up in the midst of "rehearsal", huh?
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