Friday, June 08, 2007

The First Kid

Caleb went to the LA Zoo yesterday with his 1st grade class. He was so excited that it took no extra effort to get him out of bed. His eyes popped open, he jumped right up, and he was dressed and ready in no time. He had his sack lunch and was off to the zoo. When Jody picked him up from school he told her that he had gotten lost at the zoo. He said that he was looking in one of those pay-telescopes with a friend of his, and after his friend finished looking it was his turn. He looked for a few seconds and then looked up and everyone was gone. An elderly couple found him and took him to a nearby office. He had his teacher's number on a sticker on his shirt so they quickly called her. When we asked him what she said, he told us that she said "Caleb, you're the first kid we've ever lost".

That's my boy. The very first kid. We're so proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God he's OK! But that is too funny....

See ya Sunday
