Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me

Every year this happens. Every year. There seems to be that one spark of hope...that one ray of light...that one "true" American Idol..but then this happens. A few years ago it was Latoya London - but she was ousted at #4. Then it was Chris Daughtry - but he was ousted at #4. Now, Melinda. I don't know what else to say. I'm going to bed.


Patty said...

I was disgusted too!
Do you know how badly I wanted to call you with the news 3 hrs earlier but couldn't bear to ruin it for you?!

gretch said...

I don't know what to say. I am with you. I thought this year may be different but no. Why do I keep watching if I am only going to be disappointed? I wanted to just scream at my tv. Very disappointing!

Anonymous said...

Checked out your blog today... looks great. I will definitely add it to my favorites. God bless you as you continue to lead at Immanuel. See you Sunday... Anne J-B

Jody Bumgardner said...

I was as disgusted as you babe. Thanks for listening to my tirade last night after the results. Love ya!

Cat Soto said...

Hey totally with you on that one Jeff - although I love Jordan and Blake (I'm still young enough to enjoy his style LOL) I thought Melinda was a cut above!

You're mom made me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Blake would go home, but just before Ryan showed Melinda's visit home he said Melinda goes home and she kinda reacted to it just before the commercial. They knew she would win so they needed to make it a real competition, so they put Jordin and Blake through to the finale.

Jeff Bumgardner said...

I caught that "slip" too. What a crazy night~

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, but I think I figured it out. Most of the "older generation" goes to bed by 9pm so they don't vote. Each year I say "I am not going to watch AI ever again, then I get hooked, again! Maybe next time I really won't get hooked.

..M..E.. said...

Being that i am a former idol contestant i understand how bad you must feel as a watcher about the people with talent whom are eliminated.
I didn't make it past the judging tables after only letting out 1 word i was told to step to the side and let them cut my bracelet.
Filled with disappointment i followed their direction and stepped to the side.
I never knew after that what exactly they were trying to accomplish by getting rid of all the ppl who were there for the purpose of solely getting their voices heard.
I haven't watched idol since then and don't plan on it, but the one thing i do know is they sure don't know what their missing..=0)

Jeff Bumgardner said...

You got that right!