Friday, May 25, 2007

Not Good

It seems that every 18 months or so I get some kind of sickness that sets in and decides to take up residence in my throat. I guess it's that time again. I started feeling worn down last weekend, but thought it was just that....lack of rest. But, it seems I wasn't that fortunate. I have "the croup"...for lack of a better term. My throat is on fire, my head is pounding, my body is tired, and my voice....well, it's all but gone...and I have what feels like a large gold fish settling down for a long winter's nap in my throat. Will a healing come before Sunday? I can feel like death but still lead worship....but I need my voice. I'm up at 12:30am blogging because I just can't get comfortable. Pray with me that this is short lived. Okay....I'm sleeping 'til noon tomorrow. Good night.

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