Thank you to all of you who have viewed the Immanuel Choir singing I Believe on As of early this afternoon (my time) we had nearly 100 hits. Wow! That goes way beyond what I expected. Get that link to your friends, co-workers, family, and fellow church members. It would be awesome to have a church video have more hits this week than all of the other junk out there. Let's make it our mission to get as many hits on that video as possible.
This Monday is Memorial Day (for those of you without calendars). In our morning worship service this Sunday we will have a tribute to our fallen military men and women. On this Memorial Day we choose to remember. Shortly after the beginning of our service we will play a video that I wrote and a friend of mine, Larry Wheeler (the voice of 90 seconds) made for us. But, you don't have to wait until Sunday. Click on the following link and get a sneak preview of it. If you are referring it to friends, along with the I Believe video, you can give them this blog address or tell them to go to and search for jeff bumgardner. Check out the video and let me know what you think! Memorial Day Video
Hello....Everyone one in Millington is listening. I sent the staff the link. I just wanted to say to Immanuel, that you did a wonderful job. I had the blessing of watching the birth of that song while assisting Jeff. But to watch fellow believers worship our Lord to this beautiful song was amazing! Way to go Jeff! God has great plans in store for your sweet family. We are praying for Immanuel! Look forward to alot more Bumgardner originals!
Theresa (Crosspointe)
Thank you, Theresa. Your prayers mean a lot. We're praying for great things for Crosspointe, as well.
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