Friday, May 11, 2007

It's Friday

That's right. It's that day of the week that we look so forward to. That day that marks the end of a busy week and the beginning of a peaceful, relaxing weekend....or some might say. Tonight, we spent the evening at Victoria Gardens. We caught Spidey 3 and then grabbed some In-N-Out...God's gift to mankind in the form of a burger (double-double please...animal style).

This past Wednesday was another great night of worship and rehearsal. I was talking this week with Amy Donovan...God's gift to our worship ministry in the form of a secretary. We were talking about how God is bringing so many people to the Immanuel Choir that we're packing the rehearsal hall on a weekly basis. It was mentioned how cool it would be if choir rehearsal was shut down because we broke the fire code for that room with so many people. Can you imagine that hitting the church world? "California Church Breaks Fire Code in Choir Rehearsal"

Keep doing what you're doing Immanuel Choir! You guys are incredible. Bring your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family. Throw them in the car with you and get them to choir rehearsal where we are learning to be better worshipers and meeting Him face to face on a weekly basis. I can't wait to see you Sunday. Man, I love this ministry!


Anonymous said...

Do yall have any performance video so that we can see how great yall sound?

Jeff Bumgardner said...


From what I understand, you can watch us online live at the Southern Baptist Convention in San Antonio, TX June 13th. I'll try to find that web address so that you can tune in. When I know something I'll post it here on the blog. Thanks for your question and for keeping up with us on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment Jeff! I logged in to read the Chik-fil-A/American idot update, and saw this as well! That made my day! I'm looking forward to another packed rehearsal tonight!!