Monday, May 07, 2007

Family Pics

I couldn't help but share this shot. This is me and my youngest daughter, Ella, in our front yard. guessed it. She's got me wrapped....


Patty said...

Beautiful, Beautiful !!!

katie said...

hey jeff boy ella is getting big! how is everything in ca? im praying for ya.

Jeff Bumgardner said...

Thanks, Mom! I think she has a little of you in her. Katie, everything is going well in Cali. Thanks for your prayers!

Renae said...

Oh my goodness!! I can't believe that how big she has gotten. She is absolutely beautiful. It looks so pretty out there. I am so glad that God is doing so many amazing things and blessing at your new church. Tell everyone that I said hello and give them hugs!!
Renae, Josh & Dawson

Jeff Bumgardner said...

What's up Nae Nae?! Thanks for checking up on us. We've been reading Josh's blog, as well. Give us a heads-up when you're coming out. We've gotta see 'ya!

Kelly Ritter said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks just like Jody!!!!! I wish we could come see you guys! Your kids are getting sooo big!

Jeff Bumgardner said...

Come on out, Kelly. I bet that little baby boy of yours isn't so little anymore either. We'd love to see you. Just jump on a plane and we'll take care of you once you're here!