The blogosphere has been heating up about American Idol contestants singing "Shout to the Lord" on the Wednesday night Idol Gives Back show. Some were upset that they sang the song at all. Others were upset that they took the name of Jesus out of the performance. The fact that they did the song at all shocked me. But, on Thursday night's results show, the group sang the song again, only this time...they sang the name of Jesus. I think that is a huge deal in a world that claims there are millions of ways to "god". Check out the video below and let me know what you think.
Amazing!! This world is recognizing the need for GOD. Thank the Lord for the believer who initiated, approved, or suggested that song to be sung. I pray for more Christians in those media/leadership positions to step out for the truth.
Wow, that's awesome!
I was amazed to see this song done, on the biggest show on television. I hope it will start a much needed trend! Larry
Now I TRULY believe in Miracles! I wonder who made the decision for them to sing such an awsome song! God IS IN CONTROL!
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