Sunday, January 17, 2010

Caleb's Mission Project

Every 4th grader knows, if you are in public school in California you will have a HUGE Mission Project to do. My 9 year old, Caleb, is one such 4th grader this year. He chose to do his project on Mission San Juan Capistrano. We decided to do the most interesting option for the project; a video tour. Caleb acted as host, and was SO nervous. But, it made it even cuter. We had so much fun working on this project. Check it out below. You may learn a little something you didn't know before.


Patty said...

Good job Caleb!

Unknown said...

Great job! I remember 4th grade in Southern California very well! My mission project was on San Juan Bautista, but Caleb's mission was the field trip. Wow, too many years ago...

I also remember the other kids teasing me about my Tennessee accent and making me say different words for their amusment! lol

Congratulations on baby Ava Drew. She's a beauty.

Take care,
Lisa Schaffer