Saturday, March 24, 2007

California in March

One thing that has been really cool about California is that we've been able to go swimming all month. The past 3 weekends, we've been at the pool here in our neighborhood. I don't think my body has ever known a sunburn in the month of March, yet here I sit, with a red face, chest, and stomach. I'm not complaining, mind you, I'm actually revelling in the fact that this is reality. I'm lovin' it!

It is really neat to see that my son is more popular than I am. We were just approaching the pool area today when we started hearing "hey Caleb", then another "hey it's Caleb!" Then another, "Caleb, over here." He simply threw up his hand and said "hey." So, needless to say, Caleb has plenty of friends around. Abby, not starting school until August, hasn't made the connections yet.

Both Caleb and Abby are tan tan tan. Neither one of them have burned yet. I guess our skin is just getting older. We hit 84 here today. Post a comment and let me know what the weather was like today where you are. Name your city and your high temp today.


Patty said...


Anonymous said...

St. Louis, MO, 74. It sure beats the snow we've seen this year.

Anonymous said...

Portland, OR, 64