Sunday, December 10, 2006

They Say It Never Rains in Southern California

The Mammas and the Pappas had a hit in the 60's entitled "It Never Rains in Southern California". After having spent a few weeks here, I had come to believe that was absolutely true. I had heard rumors of rain, I had even seen a cloud or two, but not one single drop had fallen that I could attest to.....until last night. I was upstairs setting up our new computer when I heard Jody yell from downstairs. "Jeff. Hurry. Come here. Hurry!" I thought something was wrong, so I quickly jumped up, rain down the stairs and into the living room. There Jody stood, at the back door, peering through a space in the blinds that she was creating with two fingers. "I think it's raining, " she said with a puzzled look on her face. "No. It can't be. It's probably just the sprinklers, " I responded. But her first inclination was correct. It was raining. And not just a little sprinkle. It was a downpour. It rained on and off all night. This morning, when I was driving in to church, I noticed the clouds had sat down on the mountain tops. It literally looked like heaven had met earth. It was beautiful. I've been told that when the clouds lift, we will probably see that some of the mountains are snowcapped. I hope that's true. I can't wait to see those snowcapped mountains.

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