Monday, March 30, 2009

Westcoast Peaches

Let's be honest. While it is true our family has made California home, Jody and I will always have a special place in our hearts for Georgia. I will always be a Georgia Bulldog. We will always pull for the Braves. We will forevermore LOVE sweet tea. And I don't think we'll ever shake our accents...or want to.

With that in mind, it is with much pain and regret that I tell you that Jody is in Georgia right now. She went back to see family and to help throw a retirement party for her dad. The kids and I wish we could be there. We all love Grandpa sooo much. We are so proud of and happy for him.

So, our poor children are having to deal with my cooking this week. But, I'm kind of excited about this week. While I'm missing Jody terribly, it is going to be a great week to spend that extra time with my kids. I've already dominated Caleb on Mario Cart on the Wii, I've won a wrestling match, 3 against 1, and I've gotten dinner cooked. Orange chicken with rice.

I hope its a hit. Check back this week for updates on this crazy adventure.


Anonymous said...

how are you on Wii Bowling

JENNI said...

Do you ever have any leftovers? I don't cook