Tuesday, October 21, 2008


If you live in California, then you know about PROPOSITION 8...unless you live in a hole somewhere and never keep up with current events. For those of you who do not live in California and are unaware of what PROP 8 is, let me clue you in. We are in a major battle in the state of California. We are urging everyone to vote YES ON 8 to establish, by law, that the state defines marriage as being between one man and one woman, only. The people voted for that in 2000 but 4 supreme court judges threw out that vote and overturned the decision of the people.

The homosexual agenda is a brutal one. I have had YES ON 8 signs torn up and stolen out of my yard. People have been assaulted for distributing material for the proposition. This is what happens when people look at things through the eyes of sin. As goes California, so goes the nation. Please pray that God will be honored through the passing of this vote.

I have heard from Christian and non-Christian alike that the church should not be involved in politics. Personally, I feel that if the church had stood up when prayer in school was being attacked, we would not be fighting this battle today. As the church, we need to stand up and influence this country and its laws for the Gospel of Christ.

1 comment:

Daniel Semsen said...

I am hoping and praying this passes...but I just have this sick feeling that it will not.


P.S. how did that song work out on Sunday with your group? Good?