Monday, October 20, 2008

Change of Plans

Alright, so I changed my mind from my last post. I will still be featuring video footage on Friday, but it will instead be Episode 2 of The Church Office. I'm posting the 50s Film Strip today.

Do you remember those crazy videos we used to watch in school? You know, the ones that always seemed like they were shot 50 years ago with some very outdated equipment. Well, the reason for that was...well...that they were. And, they always had the cheesy music and voice over to go along with them. Well, at Immanuel, we've recreated that video, but with an emphasis on evangelism.

Our Pastor was preaching a sermon on "Inviting Others" to church. He was equipping us with tools to reach our neighbors, friends, family, etc...and getting them here to church. But, before you can know "what to do when inviting others" you have to understand "what NOT to do when inviting others to church". Larry Wheeler, our in-house video director (and king of anything Mac), developed this video. Good Stuff. So, sit back, relax, get out your pencils boys and girls, and lets flash back to those school days together.


kim g said...

Oh my goodness! Will you please give Larry and Todd a big hug & kiss because that made me laugh so hard on Sunday. If that request seems to much, maybe just a High-Five and a couple of 'Atta-Boys.

Anonymous said...

Todd, that was very funny. I had no idea. Has Kimberli see this yet?
Cathy M.

Mark Celoria said...

Cracked me up!