Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Church Office

We just shot 4 of the 5 episodes of "the church office" comedy sketch today. Tony Burton made a guest appearance, and was hysterical. The purpose of "the church office" is to promote several events that are going on in the church through the remainder of the year. Because it's very media driven and edgy, we are only showing it in the 10:45 contemporary service. We will promote the events in the 9am service, just not in this new format. They will continue to be promoted in announcements, skits, etc. I can't wait to see the footage. It's going to be great....hopefully!


Kath said...

Can't wait to see it. Love the new service by the way, just in case I haven't told you. ;-)

Jeff Bumgardner said...

Thanks, Kath!