Monday, November 05, 2007

Praise and Worship

The Worship ministry here at Immanuel began the Immanuel School of Worship and Arts this fall. Our first semester was a test-run with one class, Praise Band 101. Our instructors are incredible, and we've really seen a ton of growth in our students. In January we will be expanding with private lessons, as well as classes in basic music theory and such. Tonight is the last class for Praise Band 101 this semester. We will meet together to put the final preparations on our worship service that is scheduled for this Thursday.

It is going to be very cool. We will be worshiping together while featuring various students on their instruments. We have been teaching and equipping them to be worship leaders. Our goal is that they will grow in their understanding and ability musically, while learning what it means to be a worship leader. But, our primary goal is to help them grow as worshipers, ultimately glorifying God through all that they do. Make sure you look for the opportunities coming up next semester to get involved and grow in your abilities to lead the Lord's church in worship.

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