Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Heart of Christ

A prayer that I have been praying lately is "Father, let your holy heart beat within my chest. Give me the passion and love that you have for lost people. Father, let me see with the very eyes of Christ. Allow me to see people as you see them; lost and undone with you." I am living with a song that we sang last week at Catalyst. A friend of mine beat me to the you can link to him by going HERE.

Imagine if we all lived our lives with this passion and understanding; shedding tears over the lost and unsaved. I'm sure this song will impact you as it has me. Leave me some comments and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so yeah.. Leeland... great album... probably gonna replace the original jars of clay cd in my top cds of all time... just fyi..