Thursday, August 28, 2008

Healer, Part 3

If you have been reading this blog over the past couple of weeks, you have no doubt heard the news surrounding the song "Healer", written by Mike Guglielmucci. Below is a link that will take you to a statement that his father read on his behalf to their church in Australia. I pray that we will one day hear of the victory that has come out of this. The lyrics of the song still hold true. Let's pray that God will be the "Healer" in this situation for Mike, the church, and his family.



Cindi Smith said...

I wept when I read this...for Michael, for his wife and children, for his family, for his church, for The Church. It reminded me of how depraved even those who claim to be followers of Christ can be. The reality is, we are all one choice away from making decisions similar to Michael's; choices that could potentially hurt and destroy our families and our reputation. This news was ultimately a reminder to me that I need to be real/transparent with by brothers and sisters in Christ; that I need to reach out for help when I feel myself slipping away; that I need to be in the Word and in constant conversation with our Lord and Saviour. It is essential for my emotional and spiritual well-being. I find it difficult to be angry at Michael when the hard turth is we are all sinners and capable of the same kind of sin. When I have failed I wanted people to pray with me/for me, not judge me or kick me when I was down. What has happened in Michael's life has not diminished the words of the song. I believe, the song is for Michael and I believe God gave it to Michael because one day he will be healed. Our job is to pray for this family that in God's Sovereignty He is working it all together for good.

Jeff Bumgardner said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for your insight and reminder to all of us. Apart from God's grace....

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to be mad about the situation. The more I hear "Healer", the more I think it's meaning will far outlive the "scandal" here. I don't know what motivated the writing of the song. I think after this Sunday, it won't really matter.

Healer, is about our savior. Whatever nonsense this story brought, won't be the resounding theme of it, I hope. Most people can't hum the scandal part anyway!

Kath said...

The song and "testimonies" were very powerful this morning!