Friday, May 09, 2008

Chillin' in the NV

So, I'm hanging in Nashville right now. You forget how green everything is in the south until you come home. I'm on Travis' computer blogging right now. Sorry I haven't posted anything in so long. I have had a lot going on that has had me out of the office lately. And, when in the office, I've been doing a lot of arranging for our choir. So, busy busy. BUT, all good. This will be a whirlwind trip. I flew in this afternoon, and will be flying back home tomorrow night. I am in Nashville to sing on Travis' Christmas CD.

I absolutely love Christmas. It truly IS the most wonderful time of the year. And Jody and I LOVE Christmas music. We listen to it all through the year...when the mood strikes. So, singing this music will be a treat. Tonight, I have plans to destroy Travis, his children, and whoever else may stand in my way at MarioCart on WII. Rest assured bloggers, I will dominate....(hopefully).

I'll post the results here when the massacre is over. Check back regularly. In the next couple of days I will be posting the video of Abby singing in the children's choir at church. She was unusually disruptive. There was a lot of giggling, hand-gestures, slapping of the bottoms of other children around her, and much much more. You'll want to see this!

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