Friday, June 05, 2009

Life @ the DMV

Things I've seen today @ the dmv:

1) A lady wiping off the eye exam test before using it. And I thought I was bad.
2) A lady made the examiner wait while she brushed her hair before having her picture taken.
3) A baby that souns like a goose.
4) A man with a tatoo on his calf of the rebel flag and a "white power" banner. Are we in Cali or Bama?
5) An old man who tripped twice, was disoriented, and looked like he had been resuscitated in a back room. His license was renewed. Look out.
6) A woman wearing tights with a t-shirt. That's all. It looked like two polar bears were in there fighting to get out.
7) A man came out of the testing room to tell his wife he had "dominated that thing". The next time he emereged from the room he proclaimed that the guy grading the test didn't know what he was doing. He failed. I laughed.


Darlene Propp said...

When I went for my renewal, a woman changed clothes (in line) for her picture. You'd have thought she would have worn what she wanted her pic taken in to begin with.

Tania R. said...

#6 made me laugh out loud! That is soooo Cali!

Anonymous said...

glad I still have 4 years left to go before I have to renew my license

Kath said...

LOL to all of them.